By joining with other Ohio hop growers, you open up a network of fellow growers with all their experience, contacts, knowledge and camaraderie, as well as with suppliers and brewers.
Quality standards and assurance.
Brewers are concerned with hop quality and safety. The OHGG has a quality standard they developed in coordination with Ohio's craft brewers that if met by a grower, assures brewers that their hops meet or exceed industry and legal benchmarks of cultivation, safety and processing and allows you to market using the OHGG Hop Quality Seal. See the standards here.
See the standards here >>
The Guild provides training events and mentorship to growers and other interested groups, both independently and in coordination with the Ohio State University's Hops Research program to improve all growers' knowledge and skills.
Advocacy/Marketing services.
The Guild attends every quarterly and annual meeting of the Ohio Craft Brewers Association to promote local sourcing of hops. Member's contact info is provided to brewers directly, and through this website, making it easier for brewers to find you.
Access to resources.
A hop yard is not cheap to build, and there are substantial operating costs every year. Harvest and processing machinery is not cheap, or even needed by every farm. Membership gives you access to bulk purchases of everything from poles, cabling and rhizomes to pesticides and coir, as well as access to fellow members who own harvesting and processing equipment.
Thank you for your interest in joining the Ohio Hop Growers Guild. Up to four names may be associated with the farm. For more than two applicants, submit a second application with the same farm name. and additional names and information. Dues are per farm/organization, not per applicant. Regular membership is $75/year, Associate and Educational/Government is $50/year. After June 30 each year, a half year Regular membership is $50 and Associate membership is $35. Only NEW members may join at the half-year rate during their first year.
All membership levels will renew on December 1 and dues should be paid no later than December 31.
Pay though PayPal once you submit this form, or you may mail a check to:
Ohio Hop Growers Guild
Amy Berridge, Treasurer
4506 DeClif Rd N
Morral, OH 43337